Raw Food Cleanse/Diet: SUCCESS!
A lot of folks asked me why I chose to go on this diet/cleanse.
Evolution is occurring. For me, this is a time of renewal in my life. My processes were challenged but I wasn’t gonna give up. I won’t back down. I won’t stop fighting. This life isn’t just for me…its for you all. You deserve better from me, and I can give you better than that.
My relationship with my career, with others, and more personally, with myself is growing and I want to approach this growth with the best possible me that I can. I’m about to be thrust into a brighter future, why not bring a healthier, upgraded version of myself?
These are some of the reasons why I took up the raw food diet/cleanse:
Cosmetic – The camera adds ten pounds, how else am I supposed to showcase my thin wiry frame? Plus it cleans out the toxins without depriving me of essential nutrients. Unlike other cleanses, I’m not surviving off only water, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. You still get to eat, you just have to find raw alternatives to the things you need (ie. almonds and spinach for protein).
Health - inflammation: with as much pressure as I put on my joints and how much I push my body to the limits everyday, I needed to repair and rebuild myself all around...exceed your own levels to reveal something amazing!
Education: when you're aware of what you're putting into your body, you're also aware of what you shouldn't put into your body. Walking around the grocery store I saw unnecessary things that are really poisonous to your health that any other day I wouldn't bat an eyelash to...no biggie. I worked with a coordinator who deals with diabetes and had to do this for 24 days! Makes my 7 days look like a breeze! Be careful what you put into your body...you only get one body, one life...take care of it so as to live this life the best you can!
Commitment and discipline - Chicken. Fish. Mac and cheese. French fries. Freshly baked cookies. I craved these and could have them had I cracked. But I'm driven to bring forth a better me so that I can offer something greater to this world, so I needed to focus on bettering myself. This wasn't just for my career, it was for myself in the long run. The task of going against the grain and challenging the way you think is uncomfortable, but discomfort gives way to growth!
I've felt it all! The frustration from not being able to get what I want just yet, the depression of not being able to enjoy my favorite foods, the joy of achieving goals that seemed so difficult once before (i.e. the Snapuswipe:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIz2a50vuU0), the fun of sharing this challenge with good friends. Experiencing these emotions, the highs and the lows, colors my days with liveliness!
Around the world (and even here in the States), there are some people who don't get to choose when or what their next meal will be. They live knowing of their deprivation, knowing that they’re gonna be hungry, but it doesn't stop them from living their lives and doing the best with what they've got. I have the luxury to not only eat but also choose specifically what my diet is and how I can cater it to my needs. How blessed am I? Not only do I get to choose if my glass is half empty or half full, but
I get to choose what I'm drinking. Expand this thought to acknowledge that people all over the world are in need, and if I am capable, I want to provide. They deserve better, I can do more.
We can all be heroes: