These days, ninjas and zombies reign supreme in the entertainment industry. So naturally, this ninja had to get in on the action and zombify himself!
Under the supervision of my ReelKick brother Thayr Harris, me and a handful of zombies broke out of a warehouse in Downtown LA while my teammate Holland Diaz and his army of SWAT officers fought off an infestation. Police cars swerved, prop guns fired off, and zombies (such as myself) were tossed to and fro, only to bounce back up and rip away for a glorious turning bite of humans.
Fun as the project was on its own, nothing compares to working together with ReelKick. Over nine years ago, we were all newbies in Los Angeles, navigating the overwhelmingly exciting world of the movie business. By some grace, we all came together - strangers from all over the country (and world) - and trained under the same roof.
Those some years ago, the ReelKick Stunt Team was firmly established between friends who shared a common passion for filmmaking. We would grab meals together, share wild ideas and wilder jokes, analyzed every aspect of movies at each others' apartments, produced imaginative screenplays, choreographed experimental action sequences, and then partied hearty on the weekends...and we still do to this day! Movies were and are the common interest, but friendship is the real tie that binds.
Under the supervision of my ReelKick brother Thayr Harris, me and a handful of zombies broke out of a warehouse in Downtown LA while my teammate Holland Diaz and his army of SWAT officers fought off an infestation. Police cars swerved, prop guns fired off, and zombies (such as myself) were tossed to and fro, only to bounce back up and rip away for a glorious turning bite of humans.
Fun as the project was on its own, nothing compares to working together with ReelKick. Over nine years ago, we were all newbies in Los Angeles, navigating the overwhelmingly exciting world of the movie business. By some grace, we all came together - strangers from all over the country (and world) - and trained under the same roof.
Me, Thayr, and Holland |