Welcome to my interwebular symphony!
As the audience settles into their seats, the ensemble of musicians position their instruments. The conductor taps his baton...
The orchestra tunes their instruments...
IMDB :: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2153954/
The opening sonata warms up to adagio...
TWITTER :: https://twitter.com/Huynh_Alexandre
A captivating first movement...
BLOG :: http://immystuntdouble.blogspot.com/
Followed by a minuet...
YOUTUBE :: http://www.youtube.com/rawkout101
A rising crescendo...
LINKED IN :: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/alex-huynh/6b/49b/553?trk=pub-pbmap
Into the pièce de résistance!
WEBSITE :: http://alex-huynh.com/
As the drums roar and the cymbals smash, I whip my coat tails around to face you all to say "thank you" for taking part in this social media celebration with me! So please Like, Follow, Tweet, Bookmark, and keep up to date with me...let's ride on this melodically awesome adventure of life together!
As the audience settles into their seats, the ensemble of musicians position their instruments. The conductor taps his baton...
The orchestra tunes their instruments...
IMDB :: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2153954/
The opening sonata warms up to adagio...
TWITTER :: https://twitter.com/Huynh_Alexandre
A captivating first movement...
BLOG :: http://immystuntdouble.blogspot.com/
Followed by a minuet...
YOUTUBE :: http://www.youtube.com/rawkout101
A rising crescendo...
LINKED IN :: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/alex-huynh/6b/49b/553?trk=pub-pbmap
Into the pièce de résistance!
WEBSITE :: http://alex-huynh.com/